Inail, the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, is a public non-profit entity safeguarding workers against physical injuries and occupational diseases.
Inail’s objectives are:
- reducing injuries
- protecting workers performing hazardous jobs
- facilitating the return to work of people injured at workplace.
The worker protection, even as a result of recent legislative changes, has increasingly taken on the characteristics of an integrated system of protection, ranging from preventive actions at the workplace to medical services and financial assistance; to rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of workplace accidents or professional diseases to social life and work.
The insurance, compulsory for all employers hiring subordinate and parasubordinate workers in the activities that the law defines as risky, protects workers against damages due to work related accidents and occupational diseases. The insurance releases the employer from liability resulting from the damage caused by his employees.
In order to help reduce workplace accidents, Inail also realizes some important initiatives aimed at continuous monitoring employment and injuries trends, training and advice to small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of prevention, funding companies that invest in safety.