Inail provides injured workers or workers suffering from occupational diseases, with a comprehensive and integrated system of protection, which aims not only at damage compensation but at the full recovery of mental and physical integrity by financial and medical support.
This protection includes a wide range of interventions for the maximum recovery and reintegration of victims of workplace accidents to social life and work.
Furthermore, the Institute realizes synergistic initiatives on care, rehabilitation and reintegration with other institutions in order to give answers to the questions related to workplace accidents .
In this context, the initiatives are realized, at central and local level, according to organizational models designed to create a "network" of services and facilities for the benefit of injured workers.
As part of that comprehensive and integrated system of protection, Inail uses the Prosthesis Centre in Vigorso Budrio, the Prosthesis Centre in Rome and the Motor Rehabilitation Centre in Volterra.
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Rehabilitation and reintegration
Condivisione social
16/03/2016, 15:43
Ultimo aggiornamento
16/03/2016, 15:43